EduChange 2.0 - Promoting active citizenship through innovative geoparticipatory methods to tackle wicked-environmental problems


Man-made Climate change has been more visible than at any time before. From bush fires in Australia to rising ocean temperatures and melting the North-pole sea ice. Surveys conducted among high school students in Amsterdam showed that most youngsters are now convinced that Climate change is actually occurring and caused by humans. However, young people vary widely in their opinions about the severity of the effects of Climate change, and many think that Climate change is more of a problem for other places and for the far future. 

Our project builds upon our experience from the EduChange project, that students in teacher education tend to prefer and used mobile and web tools, and other means of ICT (e.g. Geographical Information Systems and derived software) to create their own teaching and awareness-raising activities about climate change. We plan to continue our collaboration promoting active citizenship through innovative geoparticipatory methods/tools to tackle environmental issues. This project also introduces a new partner to our team - Finish start-up company Seppo who is creating a new kind of pedagogy that combines social learning and versatile ways of using mobile technology. 

Field courses

blended learning

climate change




Each year




field course


local activities


universities + start-up






Field Course

The first activity of every year of the project is a field course, that will take place each year at a different location (due to covid-19 the first year was cancelled) - Olomouc and Malta (Trondheim was cancelled). The field course is designed to equip students with both theoretical knowledge about climate change as well as practical experience with innovative educational methods and geoparticipatory approaches.

Local activities

The second part of the year cycle are educational activities about climate change organised by students for local grammar/high-school(s) as well as the general public. The main aim is to bring both knowledge as well as innovation closer to the younger/wider population and to show them, that climate change is happening also on the local scale.

Timeline 2021


Timeline 2022


7 days Olomouc (field course)
8 activities for local school students and general public

Timeline 2023


7 days Malta (field course)
8 activities for local school students and general public



Jiří Pánek |
Department of Development and Environmental Studies
Faculty of Science
Palacký University Olomouc
17. listopadu 12
Olomouc, Czech Republic

This work has been funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union,
project „Promoting active citizenship through innovative geoparticipatory methods to tackle wicked-environmental problems" (project no. 2020-1-CZ01-KA203-078349).

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