Making knowledge together - addressing climate change through innovative place based education and blended learning.


This project aims to innovate our way of teaching about Climate Change in both local and global perspectives via the field course methodology. Teaching and learning in the field is often rather traditional and teacher-led. Through EduChange we aim to transform field courses into innovative, creative learning environments in which teachers, students and pupils create knowledge together. We believe that supporting innovation and creativity can easily be achieved via international partnerships and inter- and transdisciplinary approaches. Therefore, our consortium includes partners from various European countries with various geography related backgrounds (environmental science, geography for teachers, urban geography, geoinformatics, island studies, biology, science teacher education, etc.) but with a common objective. Our partnerships with local high-schools will strengthen the role of higher education regionally as well as channel the knowledge from universities towards the public (i.e. with upper secondary school students). The place-based education adopted during the project assumes the creation of knowledge together - connecting scientific perspectives with local knowledge and daily experiences.


We strive for field courses that stimulate deeper learning. We achieve this by a student-centred approach and a well balanced mix of innovative teaching methods for field- and place-based education, such as blended learning or modern playful and multimedia methods. Our students will experience both roles - being students during the field-courses and being teachers during their local activities with upper secondary school students. We believe that this mix of roles and experience will create an atmosphere where members of the project create knowledge together and experience innovative teaching methods from the perspective of the teacher and the learner.

All the teaching materials that will be created during the project by both teachers as well as students will be published online under open licence (creative commons or Open Database License for geodata). Innovative teaching methods will include short educational clips (educlips), e-learning platform, multimedia online maps (StoryMap platform), GeoGames (such as wherIgo, Shutterspot, Dérive or Geocaching), low-cost aerial photography (kite mapping) and many more. All of these methods are born of the digital era and are highly valuable supplements to traditional classroom lectures, lab work and group discussions.

Field courses

blended learning

climate change

water and the city



Each year




field course










Field Course

The first activity of every year of the project is a field course, thatwill take place each year at a different location - Olomouc, Malta and Utrecht. The field course is designed to equip students with both theoretical knowledge about climate change as well as practical experience about innovative educational methods.

High School activities

The second part of the year cycle are educational activities aboutclimate change organise by students for local high-school(s). The main aim is to bring both knowledge as well as innovation closer to the younger population and to show them, that climate change is happening also on the local scale.

Science Jam

The last part is a five days long ScienceJam, that will take place every year in Trondheim, Norway, where we all will meet again and share our experience with activities organised in our local high-schools, discuss possibilities of innovative educational and place based learning.

TimeLine 2018


7 days Olomouc (field course)
8 activities for local high school students; several skype meetings


5 days Trondheim (ScienceJam)

TimeLine 2019


7 days Malta (field course)
8 activities for local high school students; several skype meetings


5 days Trondheim (ScienceJam)

TimeLine 2020


7 days Utrecht (field course)
8 activities for local high school students; several skype meetings


5 days Trondheim (ScienceJam)



Jiří Pánek |
Department of Development and Environmental Studies
Faculty of Science
Palacký University Olomouc
17. listopadu 12
Olomouc, Czech Republic

This work has been funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union,
project „Making knowledge together - addressing climate change through innovative place
based education and blended learning" (project no. 2017-1-CZ01-KA203-035519).

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